Saturday, March 7

Huge burden gone...2 actually..

Last week or this week...Wednesday and Thursday was 2 of the most important exams...Sugar and Entrepeurnership.....everything seems to come at one week will be french and HR together..sigh..finals ah finals...

So...wednesday..was sugar pulling assessment...but before showing the's a little pics bout the classes ahead..

Sugar spirals..........not sure if its clear enough..its LAM x

Guess which is mine?? is blown sugar....can suffocate
Upper right, 2nd ^^....

This is the flower made by Chef Vincent.....and below is
Along with the Centerpiece...I was glad that it looked like a flower at all

Glad its over too....somehow..I guess I will miss this class... over need to stress "when is the deadline" "is this correct" "how much profit"..
etc etc etc....hmm..we even made an interesting radio commercial..and a mascot..hehe..
the commercial..might post it if i ever get it...and heres impit boy...!!

ps...this picture is created by copyright reserved..pls do not redistribute elsewhere..
and he is damn cute...

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