It was plan quite some time ago...and with more then enough people wanting to go on the list...but the car could only fit 5 it was supposed to be...and many things happened..etc etc etc..we are only left with 3 that went to the yeah....damn..because less people means more money to pay for the already booked hotel..lalalala....
For the exchange seems if we change in Singapore..we would have saved some money..not alot but some..compared to us changing here..apparently each money changer could set the rate themselves..sigh...
-skip of the trip..all packed and took us bout 4 hours less to reach to the border of Malaysia and Singapore..and then passed the immigration di da...
At the singapore customs..we were supposed to get a thing called the autopas...but we were not exactly told where to get it..wondering really much and..we just drived on..all the way to the hotel...and to find out without a cash card we couldnt enter the after asking someone from the petrol station nearby...they said we could get it at 7-11's, so we went to look for it...the first shop..said "no, no..we dont have" in a very chinese slang way...
second shop...said "try the singapore post office, they should have" (off we went to the post office)
Post office..said "No, we dont have"...tensions were running high as we drove on in search of a next 7-11 just in case..
third shop..said " All the 7-11 in Singapore dont have".
Such and important info eh....wasted like 1 hour plus just trying to get it...
so nvm..went back to the hotel to try to get into the parking .at last they have the cash card..after several attempts by andy to get it from
And this is how Andy looked like..all tired with ruffed up hair. .LOL...and the small little bed that the 3 of us shared..
Uploading pictures into blogger is a pain....It took so long just to upload 2..sigh..anyway..after checking in..we rested for a while..and at nine we went out to Marina a restaurant call zen..the shindo art...where we had japanese fusion..
We shared a Sashimi starter...
Wai Kheng had a mee sua with crab meat...
Andy had tempura fish...
I still dont know how to use hehe the pictures are abit uncoordinated...
anyway..the other part i shall continue later...I promise...^^...