Tuesday, October 3


nobody likes it anyway...recently i got caught up by it...n it feels horrible....can't get enough of tissues...if u happen to see anyone searching for tissues, tissues, and more tissues I think that would be me...^^

i was diagnosed with a sore throat by a clinic doctor....but few days later the 'flu' came...thank god my sore throat is gone...(now sick season)...if not i would have been like a living corpse....whats worst is my period came at the same time...so i had stomach ache as well..."help me"

go away flu....oh well SPM's coming...seing the PMR students lining up, getting ready for their next paper makes me think of SPM....it seem so near yet so far....to be ecxact a month n a few weeks left...

time really flies...but again i am not scared n nothing seems to be pushing me to study harder or more....not even flunking my add maths....n history...

i really need something to motivate me....or to scare me...oh welll.....

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