Friday, December 28


At last...I have my P license...todays JPJ test was actually ok..despite the sudden nervous spasms..
but still I pass...muahahhaa...
Now all i have to do is patiently wait for my license to be printed and laminated...
but, i got sick...damn it...ish ish
and on the one day before i go Singapore..geramnya...i am so going to cry if i cant eat all the good food there.....ish ish
Anyway...term break is almost gone..starting on Wednesday 3rd will be my first industrial training...(hope my illness get away by then)...
Oh more mood to write/type already...So thats it I guess..

Friday, December 21


Due to various reasons, the should be post of 'The Return' has been canceled..=p
Anyway..another week of boring term break has week is Christmas and soon to come New Year's day...
This particular year pass by so was like only yesterday i finished my SPM..LOL
but in January off to industrial training i go..weeeeeeeeeeeeee
My driving lessons are last learned to parking,3 point turn, and Naik Bukit...
and my JPJ test is already scheduled..(keeps my fingers cross)...and its on the 28th...
next week...yay..^^
Oh..besides that..I have another good news...

Muahaha...that would be MyviSe-san...=p..oh with ..Mr

The only depressing thing is..I cant drive it till i get my license..ish

Saturday, December 15

Exam, Term 3...over

So, starting this week....term break starts...what should i do..?
I am not good at mindless SDO not donwloading properly...
Bored with various games...etc
(lucky there will be a year end trip to Sg to look forward too)
Hmm...I am open to suggestions for anything that can help ease my boredem, that i feel it will soon knock on my fact i think it will reach by monday...sighhhhhh english exam is the worst ever...arghh...therefore..improving on my written english is a need...can anyone teach me...*puppy dog eyes*...spoken english is still above average..but i just hate writting..sigh
Industrial training is sooo near..can't wait for it actually...
Along with my license...which..oh wait..haha..thank god..Monday,Tuesday & Wednesday got driving lesson to look forward toooo..^^ *beams*
yay..what should i do after that then??
I will be at the secluded township which i only dislike for the fact that it is..well...
rather secluded if u dont mind me mentioning again...theres nothing here..and no public transport...ish-ness...
au revoir...for now..=p

ps...i shall update a post about The Return...soon...(hint: May^2,Aaron,Han,)

Thursday, December 13

It feels like exam is over...

It amazed me that another year has gone by so quickly...term 3 is almost exactly 1 more day...tomorrows last assessment...English..=p
That lucky me is not worrisome..^^ And after will be term break till 2nd..but 3rd Jan for me..^^...which marks the start of my first industrial training...(one year cant see him.T_T)
Today was the final examination for the Dc23 the whole Dc27 was their commis..glad to be was great we know what will we be doing when its our turn..
We were asked to sign in at 7.30 am...but..don't know wat happened..we only went into the kitchen at around 8.30 am...that was a let down though..
Then when we did get into the kitchen..we were asked to lined up in a row...then 16 were chosen to be the candidates commis..and the other 11 was "runners".
I was a runner at first...then one of the commis got i also got a try being the commis..=p
All i could recall was..alot alot alot of...julienne-ing..and potato n carrot turning..thank god that my potato and carrot actually looked like a cocotte....(believe me..i wasn't good at turning at all)
My julienne was ok i guess...still could be improved..haha 1.30pm our commis ended..another day gone by just like that ...sigh..
Days are so short now a days..arghh..=(
Jai Jian...^^V

Tuesday, December 11

Good News Galore last can have a try behind wheels...legally..^^
My first 2 hours of class..(actually 1&a half only)..was super fun..but tiring..damn that clutch.ish
must press until so deep..until one leg have to stretch out longer..sigh..
I think i could manage the gear though...^^
Besides industrial training venue is CONFIRMED...muahahaha
And hopefully...another good news will come soon..=p
Oh ya..i have a new prepaid line too..which means..unlimited call for that line only..yay.
Ok enough crapping..tomorrow's cost accounting and business maths assessment..wish me luck..^^v....I really have to start studying soon..sigh..

Saturday, December 8

L license..

At long last...i got my L license already...muahahahaha
And i get to start to learn how to drive by monday..yay..
Lucky my driving instructor (uncle)...let me take fast..muahahaha
oh was the start of our end term subject down..3 more to go..

Last Dinner Service of the term...

And so the term ends..and its exam week..arghh..
At last my blog got are some pictures i managed to obtain...

This is the yule log we made...till today i still kinda doubt that we made that..

And this is a close up on Mrs and Mr Snowman...XD
Reindeer Jimmy and Reindeer Shane (with Sherryna's "hand" gun)

Overall the service was I was in the kitchen..and recieved some compliments from the lecturers that were there...Our food was good...=p
Good Job to everyone...^^
Peace..Signing Off

Friday, December 7

Someone make up my mind for me...

(I still haven't have pictures for the last service so..this post first)

My mind is really jumbled up now...Everything really have their own pro's and con's..
I really dunno wat to do already..with the industrial training coming and all...
and being cheerful everyday is not something easy to do...
I couldn't make any more decisions...or keep on to a decision i make any longer..
Even when typing this post..i had to backspace so many times...when i normally don't need to..
For those that has been following with my blog posts..You might guess whats wrong with me..
And, yes its bout him...and, college most of all..and I don't know why that some people are more "kan cheong" then me about things that concern only me..sigh...(and when i say things that concern only me...means my own private things)
Anyway...i should leave this gloomy stage soon..or spare myself falling into depression..
Shoo Shoo..emo-ness

Monday, December 3

I wonder...?

I sometimes wonder..wouldn't it be great if I was more brave..more confident...etc
but, when its the time for me to prove it...i retreat immediately..somehow or other..with excuses i make up myself...which also includes unreasonable reasons...
Won't it be better if i could just face my feelings act like it? I sometimes feel like a hypocrite..
also a type of person that i dun like..but still i couldn't change the fact that i sometimes weren't
I am feeling super emo when i wrote this anyway..
With a deep emotion beneath trying to get out..after such a long time..
I still am in doubt whether or not to let it out..but yet again i might fail badly,
Should i try i ask myself...with encouraging and also discouraging words all around..
I just couldn't make up my mind just yet...but times running out..(help)...yet i have to solve it myself.
I know this sounds lame, but i figured this is the only i could express my feelings..without really expressing it...
Day by strings are being pulled, it gets tighter & tighter each second...
Good Night...

Sunday, December 2

Late-ness in update

So sorry for the late update....anyway this post is for friday's barbeque..^^
Anyway...I have no pictures yet too..its all with if u wan to see them..u can go to his blog..
The day started with going to college at 8 am..Had maths class, then kitchen practical...had to do a presentation..etc.etc..anyway after class we went to May'2 house and he had to pack his things..his house (first time)..was so
After that off we go to Vincent's house (which include..Me,Maynard,Alvin,Samantha,Leon,Jimmy & of course Vincent)..which was in Seputih...we got to his house..and started the mise-en place...chop chop chop...slice slice slice....
Then we had nothing to do so all sat down at the kitchen table and drank german wine courtesy from Alvin..=p
Later we set the barbeque thingy (fireplace)..wateva it is called...And they had to steal some bricks lol..(shhh) because there weren't enough..
BBQ started..only the few of us plus Jon,& Aniq..started eating and playing around at the BBQ
The others came later around 8-9 i think ..and the "party" continued..till around 12 something or 1...but i left early with Aniq and Jon...(damn curfew & no transport)
Anyway..we did alot of things...May'2 did potato salad..which is quite nice actually..i am not too sure if it was finished though..there was alot..
And there was also pasta, & chocolate cakes...^^
For More Information..pls refer to ANDY'S Blog..=P
(whose blog link can be found at the right hand column)

Thursday, November 29

Last FnB service for the whole Diploma

I am not sure about others but I was rather please with yesterday's service.
Eventhough there were "funeral" comments from Mr D, regarding the settings and
Overall it was rather fun actually, and my post was a assistant manager + cashier...(had fun counting all the
Neway...alot of our juniors...came..Alvin hope everyone had fun, even if the food wasn't that up to standard somehow..and thanks to their rice pudding and raspberry coulie, we had an extra choice in dessert..yee pee
Sry theres no pictures though..but would likely to get them soon..i shall paste it here.. seems that i have no mood to post..well..maybe next
Shall get updated with this post again when i get the pictures..which i dunno when

Saturday, November 24


So, today was the "big" interview...woke this morning feeling nervous...etc..then by 1pm reached Han's house....went to Third Floor for the interview together...but but but...before that....
When we leave Mentari Court , at the federal was super jam...because Mr Policemen are setting up a road block..and everyone started to get really really slow..but luckily after the road was smooth journey all the way to KL...we reached KL..and then..half way through to bintang walk was still fine..and then i think we took a wrong turn and ended up at times square..., so we had to park at Sungai Wang Plaza which took us "half an hour or so to find a parking" and had to walked all the way to JW Marriot....
When we got there, the ambience was so so high class...I was in awe of the atmosphere in the hotel...(5 star hotel afterall)..and it was link to Starhill..go figure..
Anyway..the funniest part was..we wanted to look for a restroom to freshen up...but we couldn't find we asked the kind guy standing by the lifts..he said it was one floor up..and so we went up...when we reached the upper ground floor..we still couldn't find it..and had to ask a security guard this kindly showed us and when we reached it was a unisex restroom with a sign.."IF WISH FOR PRIVACY LOCK THE DOOR"
After freshing up...we went to the lift and went to third floor..the restaurant is so cool...
We entered...told a guy our purpose..and he called us to wait at one bar table top if i am not mistaken...We filled in some forms..and waited..then it was the interview...(cheng cheng cheng....)
And it didn't last for 5 was short and straight to the point..but not really an interview as i have expected...I am not complaining though..=p
So the chance is more like 80% confirm...^^
After the interview..we headed of to pavilion..and line up for around 20 minutes..for the ever so famous J.CO donuts..bought a dozen each and then went to sungai into the car and went back to Mentari Court...
I had to go to Pyramid, so there i went..holding the box of J.CO donuts..(people must be wondering if the one in pyramid is open..=p).. ends the hectic much walking, so much pain to my leg...

Thursday, November 22


Today was wine tasting was fun...trying the sparkling wine especially...didn't know it could taste so sweet, nice and bubbly...couldn't have today we tasted 3 types of,white, and of course the sparkling wine..
Both red and white wine doesn't taste or doesn't suit my taste very too bland, another too tannic....
And at last gotten some serious work done for the ad assignment...At last....and due date is next week..gosh..we are so gonna have to rush...(jia you)
Funny..i cant seem to get the english word for Jia You..anyone can tell me?..besides work harder that is....hehe..
AH....International buffet is coming..gonna be in the management team therefore i could walk around entertaining people...=p..
Oh well..hope the planning will go well tomorrow...^^

Yesterday's service

Yesterday night was our asian buffet dinner service for kitchen practical..and like all buffets different type of food is made by different groups. Group 2 did the beef,long-beans, fruit rojak, and the white rice. I in particular did the rojak sauce..that took me the quite some time to
Its not easy as you think..
Anyway, after the service our comments on our food and replenishing was everyone is happy and all.. class earlier today, me and May'2 somehow created a codename for everyone..(how we did cannot be stated)...but it was was like everyone had a chance to express their anger and forget about it later..good for releasing stress (^^V)
Ah...we have a codename for the "him" in this blog also..which makes conversation much easier, especially infront of others..=p
Somehow or other my post today is abit cacat..i can feel it forgive me..
Anyway, about him...i think my chance is getting slim..slimmer as we speak..sighhhhhh...

Tuesday, November 20

Final Stage of blog renovation?

I think theres nothing much to add in to the blog anymore, unless i wan to add medias..but too lazy la..and i don't want others to come because of the media's too... was a very very unlucky day...
~first i found out that i lost my chef hat this morning..,had to run around looking for it and just my luck when normally the lost and found would have many spares...but today there were none..instead it was full of useless junks to me..T_T
~second...i forgot to bring my fiche technique..(recipe)..and since class was early in the morning, there wasn't enough time to photocopy another set...fine..had to share in class
~third..i forgot to bring my dry and clean gawd..but lucky Mischa borrowed me one..still can do something la..(i now know how hard it is in the kitchen without a towel..T_T)
~fourth..i had to buy another chef hat which cost Rm 15, and could only get it at 9 am..when my class starts at 8.15..had to avoid Chef B*** while i was in the kitchen..omg..
And during the class i at last recieved the call from the career center telling me to go to an interview for my industrial at least some news..
Oh...and May-may..I where got no news how to update wor...=p
But yeah..'memang' wont have news d wan la...don't need to bother much..just lend me an ear to grumble from time to time yeah?

Sunday, November 18

Day 3

As you can see...i have added pictures and links to my frens blog as well..(still thinking on what i can add)..
Today is a short day..i woke up at 8.00am..and went to my 6 hours amali course for the license...and then i reached home at 4.00 pm...a whole day gone just like day...
And the whole amali was rather pointless...and super tiring...reach there around 9 something...then register..etc...and then 9.45 only start the course...and after 3 hours it was the practical course..learning about car stuffs like engine,radiatior...etc..and stood there for 3 hours again...
although it was quite interesting...i see the theory part rather useless...because the practical part is more like a repeat...
Later we finished at 3....and then had to wait for the driving instructor for another 30 minutes for him to come and fetch me back...sigh...
AND need to wait for another 10 ten days for them to get my L license day is gone just like that...T__T
Feel so wasted man...sigh..

Saturday, November 17

Day 2

Today was the first Saturday that i had to go to college for class since term 1...(term 3 now)
We had moral class today...with Mr Adrian lecturing and telling us stories like normal...
Unfortunately, a certain someone did not turn up today as i have expected..but still todays class was enjoyable..
Also..clever May-May seems to have figured out something that i wanted to keep quiet about...(shouldn't have told u my blog link-->May2)..and now he is blackmailiing me...hmm..but still..IF i do get my car..i dun mind giving u rides..occasionally...and i repeat...occasionally..
Do not get ur hopes high ok??..hehe..=p
Oh yes..."Alvin, don't wack my head with a pen anymore laaaaaa"...=P...
And and...because i didn't go and watch the 'Balls of Fury' movie with you guys,(May2,JungleB,and Leon,Jimmy)...i got myself a new yeah..gladly my mom was in a cheery mood today..^^
Still couldnt get the short pants i wanted..sigh..

Friday, November 16

Day 1 of renovation

Still trying to get a hang of things on how to customize this confusing...and not sure how i wan to write hang on..
As usual, i will blab about my life here..because i treat it like a diary..which nobody use to read..but with May-May adding me into his bloggers community..sooner or later it will be read..
But..i couldn't deny that this wasn't what i wished...=p
Today i didn't get to meet HIM...but still..high hopes for tomorrow..
and with the ad assignment I sure will be hectic tomorrow...speaking of it..i still haven't type out the scenes with
End term assessment is drawing nearer as i "type"...and still i have no mood to study..i am so doomed...especially for Moral and Cost Accounting...the 2 subjects i don't particularly adore ..T_T
Hadn't had a good mark for the first assessment = striving to get better marks for the coming assessment..
Oh...almost forgot mentioning the most important last i am 17 and eligible to take the amali(6 hours of torture)...its not fair that u have to be like over 17 to take it...a few weeks wont change a persons mindset to be more mature or Sunday is the day i am going to take the Amali..not long my license...^^

Thursday, November 15

Decided on a major revamp on my blog..

Just u wait and see...i shall change my blog completely..and finally expose it to the to various reasons i am awfully happy)...
The revamp might take some time i still do not know how to utilize this blog settings let the renovating begin...^^

Monday, November 12

I am so happy today that it actually make me wanna like 2 days in a
Finally, after so long..i actually had a conversation with him..(beaming)..sigh...and and and ..i can get to see him again for sure next my behaviour =p)..this is what happens when i am too freaking happy...gyahahahaha...(again)
Still...why must they arrange the industrial training in such a way...cant seem him for excactly one year after this term..T_______T.....but still i hope i wont have a change of heart..(lol)...signing off...=p

Sunday, November 11

help..i still do not know how to customize this blog..therefore it looks really dull...T__T
not that i dont have time...just toooo lets leave it be..not that any comes to read my
this blog is just an outlet for my vending...=p birthday is coming at last..but lol..i already gotten most of my presents to look forward much to..(no suprises)..sigh..
Oh..and i have to serve others on my birthday..not that i am complaining..just lucky..i bet i can stay out late that night...(serving others)...and i think around 5-6 of us are having birthdays on wednesdays this year somehow..since term 3 miracles happen sometimes..
Assignments are getting broader each day too...first it was architectual, then now its didnt know that diploma in culinary arts could be so broad in this knowledge..most would think all we are doing is cook cook cook and more cooking...but we are serving long till the next time i MIGHT post..^^

Monday, September 3

Just me.....
College life is just getting better....with all the assignments, new group allocation, homework, assessment...well..u get it..But still despite all that theres still some good hanging out with friends...enjoying the food..(we cook or others cook)...

Well..this week Friday there will be a DC (Diploma in Culinary Arts) gathering and all the seniors in term 6 all the way to the juniors in term 1 are expected to attend...and us the DC27 & the DC26 are assigned to do the mis-en place for the seniors..for them to cook...but not all of us..since there are too many..still wondering if i want to volunteer...(it seems quite fun) but might have to skip class....

And all the gatherings seem to happen on that day...If there were no DC gathering i would have gone to meet my friends..They are all gathering at a basketball competition organized by my friend...I wanted to go too..but theres class and the gathering..T__T...
miss them so much..wont know if there are any more chances to meet up with them all at the same time...

Its gonna be end of the term soon..assessment week starts on the 10th..then after that..its holiday..for 2 weeks...might anticipate for the holiday now..but i know by then it would be very, very, very, boring..after a day or 2 of resting...sigh..have to plan something to do during the term break already...Hmm...(pondering)...

Shall post again soon..maybe after the gathering??...or maybe later..?
but will try to as soon as possible..(not that i cant or wat just plain lazy..^^)

Sunday, August 12

King Of Swaziland?

Last Friday, the king of Swaziland.. came to my campus for i am not so sure about the reasons myself...but everyone seem thrill eventhough we did not know the country existed one day ago..typical..anyway all the students were encouraged to wear their national clothings for that day...and most of them did actually..especially international students..but too bad..class was like extra break hours or anything..but still i caught a glimpse of the king..and his many bodyguards, and children i think ...

So has been rather tough..with the pillings of assignments, life..but its still fun being able to hang around with friends..

p.s...i pass my undang test in one happy..didnt have to endure the long waiting hours again..yay..

Friday, July 27

Uncomfy days....

Yesterday..i was so unlucky, i actually slipped and fall..and hit my head on the floor...but still lucky cause no serious injuries..just a strained neck..(cant turn right or look up)..T___T
but the weird thing is..the pain only came like a few hours after the after the fall i didn't tell the lecturer....and after the few hours..i got giddy and had a headache..had to skip 2 go see more perfect attendance misfortune brings more misfortunes..

Sunday, July 22

No longer a travelogue...(traveling days are over..T_T)

College life begun...a few months ago...and fyi..Diploma in Culinary Arts is cool..and fun..
Now its the second how long i didnt post..)
Hmm...i guess live is fun at college..eventhough the stressy parts..are adding up..with all the assignments, homework, assessments, etc....sigh..still i shall emphasies life is way better then secondary school..muahahaha

At last now taking undang and by my birthday i can start having driving license..but for now attending really long and boring classes by really boring instructors is my task..
Today went for the dunno wat KPP.. slept 3 times..and thats rare for me...and i think he didnt the even notice..the instructor that

Neway..shall try and update

Tuesday, April 3

OMG its already APRIL???

Lol..its so long since i post...already back from the europe was awesome..met lots of new people there..shall upload photo's along with this post...or maybe just i am starting college there should me more posts...since life will be more interesting in college..unlike now..where i have nothing to home all day..
Though i did work for 3 a was kinda fun but real tiring...hands were like longer due to all the carrying and stuffs...oh welll....we all gain experience like that some how...

Tuesday, January 30

16th February Come Faster..!!!

I am back from Singapore....this trip didn't shop much...only bought..some socks, a skirt, a sad...couldnt find any suitable blouse at all...

The reason i cant wait for 16th february is because i am confirm going to europe...Muahaha...
10 whole days....^^....imagine all the things i can see....muahaha....i will try to learn how to upload photo's when i come back...

My dad specially bought a SLR (pro camera)...for this trip...good photos will come out for sure...

p.s : lol there where no pictures taken during my trip to Sg...too lazy to take photos..=p..
16th February Come Faster..!!!

I am back from Singapore....this trip didn't shop much...only bought..some socks, a skirt, a sad...couldnt find any suitable blouse at all...

The reason i cant wait for 16th february is because i am confirm going to europe...Muahaha...
10 whole days....^^....imagine all the things i can see....muahaha....i will try to learn how to upload photo's when i come back...

My dad specially bought a SLR (pro camera)...for this trip...good photos will come out for sure...

p.s : lol there where no pictures taken during my trip to Sg...too lazy to take photos..=p..